Trainings of the CT Public Spaces Project continue in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and Logroño

During the first quarter of 2022, the CT Public Spaces project trained 106 national security professionals from Ghana, Kenya and Senegal.

Training in Dakar (Senegal) March 2022.

The trainings of trainers are carried out in the facilities of the Rural Action Unit (UAR) of the Spanish Guardia Civil in Logroño. These trainings are subsequently replicated in the partner countries, by the personnel trained in the UAR and with the support of the Spanish Guardia Civil, thus ensuring the sustainability of the project. So far, more than 288 security forces’ professionals have been trained in different techniques, all of them focused on the protection of citizens in public spaces attending large events: religious, sporting, musical...; key infrastructures, such as airports, stations or ports; and other spaces with a large flow of people, such as hotel complexes or shopping centres.
Specifically, 13 training sessions were held during the first quarter of 2022. On the one hand, 40 specialists from the Kenyan and Senegalese security forces have been trained in Logroño in Immediate Neutralisation under Sudden Attack (NIAS training), Tactical Patrol, Tactical-Healthcare Police Assistance (APTS), Response and Rescue and Drones training. On the other hand, 66 specialists from Ghana, Kenya and Senegal have been trained in these countries in Command and Control, NIAS, Response and Rescue, Precision Snipers, Intervention Dog Handlers and Explosive Detection Dog Handlers.
In addition, two follow-up and coordination missions were carried out during this period. In February, the project team conducted its third visit to Nairobi (Kenya) and in March the third mission to Accra (Ghana) took place. In both countries, the team was able to meet with different security and counter-terrorism officials, as well as with European Union Delegations and Spanish Embassies in the partner countries.

Training Kick off. Accra (Ghana). March2022.
Furthermore, two training activities were concluded during the project team’s visit to Kenya, and the Command and Control training was launched both in Ghana and Kenya, participants being high level security forces professionals from the two countries.
To conclude, specific material was also shipped during the first months of the year to Senegal, donated within the framework of the CT Public Spaces project and aimed at improving the equipment of partner security forces against threats in public spaces.
During the next quarter, work will continue on the implementation of these trainings both in Spain and in the three partner countries of the project.