The CT Public Spaces project was launched to collaborate with partner countries to prevent and reduce terrorist attacks and their impact on public spaces. It is managed by FPI.
The FPI puts EU foreign policy into action − fast and flexibly − in a policy-driven approach. It acts as first responder to foreign policy needs and opportunities, focusing on conflict prevention and peace, building alliances and leveraging the EU’s influence in the world.
The Service plays a central role in implementing the European Commission’s political priorities in line with the EU’s Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy. The FPI is the sole funder of the CT Public Spaces project.
The Spanish Guardia Civil is the implementing partner of the CT Public Spaces project in coordination with the EU High Risk Security Network (EU HRSN).
The Guardia Civil is an armed institution of a military nature, that is part of the Security Forces and Corps of the Kingdom of Spain.Founded in 1844, its main mission is to ensure the protection of citizens from the threat of criminal acts, uphold the law by prosecuting lawbreakers, defend the unhindered exercise of rights and freedoms and preserve citizen security.
The Guardia Civil has a Unidad de Acción Rural/Rural Action Unit (UAR) based in Logroño (La Rioja) that is designed, equipped and organised to combat terrorism and carry out high-risk operations that require a rapid response.
The UAR is made up of two units; an operational unit, the Grupo de Acción Rápida/Rapid Action Group (GAR), which is a member of the EU HRSN, and a training centre, the Centro de Adiestramientos Especiales /Special Training Centre (CAE), with a Polígono de Experiencias para Fuerzas Especiales/ Special Forces Experiences Complex (PEFE), where all kinds of special training can be delivered.
The CT Public Spaces project will be managed from the headquarters of the UAR in the city of Logroño, which will provide the facilities.
The conjunction of the GAR and the CAE makes this an ideal base for the majority of the project’s training activities, providing the necessary operational, training and logistical support.
FIIAPP is the cooperation agency in charge of managing the project.FIIAPP is a public institution dedicated to the management of international cooperation projects within the framework of Spanish and European cooperation.
The Foundation promotes the participation of public entities in cooperation projects through the exchange of experiences and mutual learning.
Throughout its more than 20 years of experience, FIIAPP has participated in the management of more than a thousand projects and is present in more than 100 countries.
In the field of security, FIIAPP plays a very active role in strengthening the link between peace, security and development.
This role is implemented through projects aimed at combating transnational organised crime or managing migration, combating criminal human trafficking networks or reinforcing security at border crossing points. This is the case for projects such as GAR-SI Sahel, ECI Niger, SENSEC-EU and COP in Senegal, CT-Tunisia, CT-MENA (Middle East and North of Africa), A-TIPSOM in Nigeria.
Through the above projects, FIIAPP is contributing to a regional and comprehensive approach to cooperation due to its collaborative work with the different institutions.
The EU HRSN was created to bring together different anti-terrorist police units from European Union Member States that participate in the fight against terrorist threats in public spaces.
It is coordinated by the Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG Home) and currently chaired by the Anti-Terrorist Unit (HRB) of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (RNM), with the vice-presidency held by the GAR of the Spanish Guardia Civil.
The EU HRSN will share techniques, tactics and procedures used to protect public spaces against terrorist attacks and reduce their effects in the CT Public Spaces partner countries.
It will also provide experts to implement the project activities and will contribute to the development of principles related to the protection of public spaces in partner countries.