CT Public Spaces launches its cabinet exercises phase in Senegal, involving all specialists previously trained as well as private security agents.
The activities, developed by the project for the first time in Senegal, will serve to put into practice the lessons learnt in previous trainings from Guardia Civil and specialists from the EU High Risk Security Network. The equipment donated in the framework of the European project CT Public Spaces will be used, and later on be taken to the field.

After carrying out 11 trainings of trainers in Spain and their replication in Senegal to national multidisciplinary teams in areas such as command and control, risk analysis, intervention units, etc.; the CT Public Spaces project begins a new series of activities, hand in hand with the competent institutions, in the field of anti-terrorist protection of public spaces.
In this sense, between the months of October and November this year, security forces and bodies will participate in two exercises to put into practice what they learned in Logroño and Dakar during the previous exchanges. Both will simulate an alleged terrorist attack in a public space.
The first of these exercises, Table Top, will take place at the beginning of October. It will consist of a cabinet simulation addressed mainly to the specialists who participated in the command-and-control formations. They will face a practical case to which they must respond from an ad-hoc command post, coordinating the operational teams in the field.
On the other hand, the second planned exercise, LIVEX, will be carried out in November. LIVEX consists of a drill to which units of all security forces involved in the immediate reaction to a terrorist attack are invited. This simulation will refer to the assumption raised and developed previously in the Table Top exercise.