CT Public Spaces LIVEX exercise was carried out in Senegal on 19 January with the participation of law enforcement agencies and project experts.
Jointly with the Table Top exercise, they served the purpose to put into practice previous trainings realised by the 3 pilot countries, the doctrine shared by the Guardia Civil and the EU High Risk Security Network and to use the equipment donated by the Project.
Guardia Civil, EU-HRSN experts and Senegalese security bodies in the LIVEX joint exercises, January 2023
After carrying out 11 trainings of trainers in Spain and having replicated them in Senegal with national multidisciplinary teams in the framework of the CT Public Spaces project, a simulation exercise coordinated by the Senegalese Intervention and Inter-ministerial Coordination Center for Counter-Terrorism Operations (CICO-LAT) today brought together the National Police General Directorate, National Gendarmerie and Spanish Guardia Civil members at the Arene National Stadium of Dakar. More than 400 security specialists, firefighters and health worker professionals participated in a LIVEX exercise, consisting on a drill in which all units involved in the immediate reaction to a terrorist attack are invited.
LIVEX exercises contribute to strengthen local capacities for the prevention and mitigation of terrorist attacks in public spaces within their territories. Under the CT Public Spaces working methodology, they are preceded by a Table Top exercise, that is a cabinet simulation in which command and control professionals respond to a practical case from an ad-hoc post and coordinate operational teams in the field.
The CT Public Spaces project is funded by the European Commission through the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (EU-FPI); it is implemented by the Spanish Guardia Civil and managed by the International and the Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP F.S.P.). The project is implemented in collaboration with national authorities of Ghana, Kenya and Senegal for about three years. Therefore, these exercises are also planned in Ghana and Kenya during the first semester of 2023 and will be followed up by the provision of operational advice by project experts to the partner security forces operational units dedicated to the protection of public spaces. High-level seminars to increase awareness and capability to protect people and goods in public spaces will be organised in each beneficiary country.
Representatives from FIIAPP, Guardia Civil, EU-HRSN, CICO-LAT, partners in Kenya, Ghana and Senegal, Prefet de Pikine and the Delegation of the European Union in Dakar, involved in the organisation of the LIVEX joint exercise, January 2023