Data protection
Your personal data will be processed responsibly by
FUNDACIÓN INTERNACIONAL Y PARA IBEROAMÉRICA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y POLÍTICAS PUBLICAS FSP in order to keep you informed about news or events related to Foundation activities, cooperation, events being held and newsletters that may be of interest to you by any means of contact, including electronic ones.
FIIAPP F.S.P for these purposes could use the services of third-party providers which would be located outside the European Economic Area in countries that do not offer an adequate level of Protection as companies adhered to the recently cancelled Privacy Shield-USA Agreement by the Court of Justice of the EU in Judgment of July 2020, for which you consent to the processing of your data without the adequate guarantees required by European regulations.
The legal basis for such processing is your express consent. Your data will be kept indefinitely until you revoke the consent given or request cancellation/deletion of your data or opposition to processing.
At any time, you may revoke the consent given by simply notifying the Foundation of your wishes by sending an
"unsuscribe" email to the following address:
You can also exercise your rights to access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and limitation of the processing of your data by contacting the Data Protection Officer of
FUNDACIÓN INTERNACIONAL Y PARA IBEROAMÉRICA Y POLÍTICAS PUBLICAS FSP with address at C/ Beatriz de Bobadilla, 18 - 28040 Madrid (Spain) or by sending your request to together with a copy of your National ID card duly accrediting your identity. Under all circumstances, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).