Training and specialisation to improve security for the Senegalese people

The European Union prevents and reduces terrorist attacks by using Guardia Civil officers to train the Senegalese security forces
The CT Public Spaces project carried out its first train the trainers cycle for a dozen members of the National Senegalese Gendarmerie and Police, who travelled to Logroño and received training at the facilities of the Rural Action Unit (UAR) of the Guardia Civil. This unit includes the Rapid Action Group (GAR), which specialises in the fight against terrorism and high-risk and rapid-response operations and the Special Training Centre (CAE), which trains agents in these areas of expertise.
The programme included tactical training for precision marksmen, and handlers of canine intervention and explosive detection dogs. The Senegalese technical team was delighted with the information learned and exchanged with Spanish colleagues during the theoretical-practical and intervention sessions.


Within the framework of the CT Public Spaces, a total of 33 train the trainers sessions will take place at the Guardia Civil’s Special Forces Training Park (PEFE). These will be replicated in partner countries by the personnel receiving this training, thus ensuring the sustainability of the project, which will continue to run in 2021.