The CT Public Spaces team visits its counterparts in Ghana for the first time
Early July this year, the CT Public Spaces project team had the opportunity to visit the Republic of Ghana. Due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the team had to postpone the visit to this partner country up until that date.
Photo 1: The Spanish Guardia Civil together with the Senegalese Gendarmerie and Police during one of the trainings in Logroño.
Although the participation of Ghana's security forces in the project had already been officially confirmed, this visit allowed the various actions planned by CT Public Spaces to be presented in situ to the national authorities responsible for the protection of public spaces.
The Ghana Police Service personnel had previously received training at the Rural Action Unit of the Spanish Guardia Civil in Logroño, Spain, so the project was already underway with this partner country.
During the visit, representatives of the Spanish Guardia Civil and FIIAPP had the opportunity to meet with the Inspector General of the Ghana Police Service and his staff, Mr. James Oppong-Boanuh. The Inspector General showed his full support for the implementation of the project and the participation of the police service in the planned activities.
For his part, the project director thanked the support shown and the excellent attitude and interest of the staff of the Ghanaian institutions that participated in the training activities developed in Spain.
In addition, the team was able to present the CT Public Spaces project to the Director of the CT Fusion Center, Mr. Kojo Mawutor Awoonor, who showed his satisfaction and full support for the project, confirming the participation of the Center's staff in some of the planned training activities.
Since CT Public Spaces plans to conduct training activities in the partner country, the team also visited the Counter Terrorism Enactment and Concentration Camp (CTECC), the Ghana Police Service's counterterrorism training centre, and met with Chief Superintendent Mr. Raymond Adofiem, Commanding Officer of the CT Department, who has been supporting the project since its inception.
Finally, the team presented the project to the Spanish Ambassador to Ghana, Mrs. Alicia Rico Pérez del Pulgar, who considered it very appropriate for the country's situation and showed her full support for its correct implementation.