CT Public Spaces mission to Senegal
From 9 to 12 March 2020, the CT Public Spaces project team carried out its first mission to Senegal with the aim of identifying the institutional partners for this project.
The CT Public Spaces project, financed by the European Union, managed by the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), implemented by the Spanish Guardia Civil and coordinated by the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP F.S.P.), aims to prevent and reduce terrorist attacks and their effects on urban public spaces. Therefore, it supports three partner countries in Africa in strengthening local capacities for the protection of these spaces and infrastructure elements, improving public-private cooperation in this sector.
The project team, accompanied by the Director of the Security, Peace and Development Unit of FIIAPP, had the opportunity to meet with different Senegalese and international institutions for the correct identification of needs and partners. It is worth highlighting a special meeting that was held with the European Union Ambassador in Senegal, Mrs. Irene Mingasson, who, together with the Delegation's governance and stability team, guided and supported this first mission by CT Public Spaces.
Likewise, the project team also had a worthwhile and productive meeting at the Spanish Embassy in Dakar, where they were received by the Deputy Head of Mission and the First Secretary, as well as the Interior Attaché.
The members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Spanish Embassy accompanied the CT Public Spaces team in the different meetings held with the most relevant Senegalese institutions: for example, the meeting held with the Director General of the Senegalese National Police (PNS), and the meeting with the Deputy Chief of the Senegalese National Gendarmerie (GNS). Both the PNS and GNS were very interested in and supportive of this proposal, as it will improve local capacities for analysis, protection, reaction and recovery from possible attacks in public spaces.