Logroño, headquarters of facilities vital for combating terrorism.
The mayor of Logroño visits the Guardia Civil’s facilities where the CT Public Spaces project carries out activities to prevent and reduce terrorist attacks.
The mayor of Logroño, Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, visited the Rural Action Unit (UAR) and the Guardia Civil’s Special Forces Experiences Complex (PEFE), located in that city in La Rioja.
During the visit, the director of CT Public Spaces, Colonel Javier Hernández Marco, had the opportunity to present the project, funded by European Union, which FIIAPP manages with Guardia Civil as an implementing partner. CT Public Spaces began its activities in early 2020 and will be implementing actions until January 2023 with the main aim of preventing and reducing terrorist attacks and their effects in public spaces in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal, through the exchange of experiences with members of the security forces there.